Bill Jonas on Mon, 29 Apr 2002 18:00:12 +0200

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Re: [PLUG] Interesting thread on SEUL-EDU mailing list...

On Sun, Apr 28, 2002 at 03:00:00PM -0400, LeRoy Cressy wrote:
> It just seems to me that the lawyers at Microsoft are doing everything
> in their power to destroy the popularity of Linux and BSD.

Not to mention that some of the latest "features" of the SMB protocol
(in WindowsXP) are patented, and the licensing agreement for downloading
the specification says that you agree not to use any of the knowledge
gained from the document in the implementation of any software with an
"IPR-impairing" (intellectual-property-rights-impairing, ie, GPL, which
is named specifically) license.  This wouldn't be so problematic, since
the protocol was originally reverse-engineered, but the software patents
are the tricky bit.

Bill Jonas    *    *
"They that can give up  essential  liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."        -- Benjamin Franklin

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