LeRoy Cressy on Mon, 29 Apr 2002 19:00:14 +0200

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Re: [PLUG] port forwarding question

If you are going to follow the advice of using iptables then it would be
advisable to close every port on the firewall box except ssh (port 22). 
If I am concerned about security, then I would port forward port 22 from
the Internet ethernet to a specific box on my lan through the lan
ethernet card.

Also with dsl I would not masqurade but would use sport and dport
specifying the ports I want to forward and drop all orthers.

David Calkins wrote:
> I'm running a PC with RedHat Linux 7.2 (kernel v2.4.7-10) and using this
> machine to provide DSL internet access to my small LAN.  I've installed the
> "Roaring Penguin" DSL client v3.3.1, which set things up nicely and took
> care of configuring the settings necessary to have masquerading
> work.  Currently I'm able to surf the web, check Email, etc. from any
> machine on my LAN and its working great for this.
> I'd like to run a network client on one of the machines in my LAN, which
> receives updates via UDP from a server on the internet.  So, I'd like to
> have the linux machine forward all UDP traffic on a particular port over to
> my LAN machine.
> The IP-Masquerade-HOWTO (9/12/2001), sec 6.8 provides some info on how to
> do this.  I downloaded and installed ipmasqadm v0.4.2-4.  When I try to use
> it, I get a setsocketopt() error, which, according to the HOWTO, indicates
> my kernel doesn't have support for port forwarding.
> I attempted to rebuild the kernel with support for port forwarding,
> however, I was unable to find any 'port forwarding' option in the kernel
> configuration (using 'make menuconfig').
> Any ideas? :-)
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Rev. LeRoy D. Cressy   mailto:leroy@lrcressy.com   /\_/\
                       http://lrcressy.com        ( o.o )
                       Phone:  215-535-4037        > ^ <

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: 
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)

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