Michael C. Toren on Mon, 13 May 2002 20:18:34 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] 3 nic cards

> Thanks to those who have helped so far. I'm getting further with this. The
> interrupts are fine, Gabriel, I was premature last night when I said that,
> but now things are worked out: using interrupts
>   5:          5          XT-PIC  NE2000
>   9:        128          XT-PIC  eth2
>  10:       2092          XT-PIC  eth0

IRQ sharing isn't the end of the world, although you will take a performance
hit (you'll have two separate tasks you'll need to service each time only one
of them requires servicing, but it should still function).  The IO address is
more important, but according to the /proc/ioports output you pasted earlier,
there doesn't appear to be a conflict there.

I did notice this from your dmesg output, though:

	Kernel command line: auto BOOT_IMAGE=linux16 ro root=307 hdb=ide-scsi,ether=0,0,eth1 ether=0,0,eth2,ether=0,0,eth3
	ide_setup: hdb=ide-scsi,ether=0,0,eth1

I haven't personally used the ether= kernel parameter to configure which NIC
will show up as which local ethernet interface, and if I remember correctly
those lines are just hints anyway, however it looks like you misplaced a few
spaces and commas.  You probably wanted:

	hdb=ide-scsi ether=0,0,eth1 ether=0,0,eth2 ether=0,0,eth3

I don't know if it will solve your problem, but it's worth trying.  Also, you
may want to rename those to eth0, eth1, and eth2.

Good luck,
