Noah Silva on Wed, 10 Jul 2002 00:21:56 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] Pascal?

> Yes, you should generally pick one approach within a module. I would 
> definitely recommend avoiding the mixture of these two string approaches 
> within a given application. BTW, If you wanted to trash the lack of good 
> string support in the C++ language, I would NOT disagree there.

but that's not worth doing, because I know nobody would argue, and
that's no fun.

> This is like saying that if C is was so good, why would anybody still program 
> in assembly. For some people/projects assembly language is still the 
> simplest/most efficient way to do things. That doesn't mean everyone should 
> program in assembly, or that you should always mix C/assembly. For most 
> people, C++ should allow people to write better, easier to read, and 
> sometimes even faster code with fewer lines of code. That doesn't mean "why 
> would anybody still program in straight C". And, just because you can write 
> better code in C++ doesn't mean you automatically will.

YEs but trying to do both at once is a mess.  Kung-fu is a good fighting
style, maybe shodokan is too, but you have to pick one and use it for
any particular fight, or your ass will be kicked.  Having C and C++
being totally different and yet integrated could be useful for adding
OOP to C programs (and in a way similar to my statement before that I
would like a compiler system that could compile different procedures of
different languages into one program), but also invites programmers to
make a mess, something that C already allows to a large extent.

 -- noah silva 

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