Sean Finney on Fri, 2 Aug 2002 19:03:07 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] checkinstall

On Fri, Aug 02, 2002 at 03:19:27PM -0400, Fred K Ollinger wrote:
> as debian supports rpm. You can build a rpm is debian source isn't
> available then do
> alien package.rpm
> to generate a debian package. I have done this to get packages that
> weren't available for debian, then I would put them in my repository so I
> could apt-get the package on all my boxes.

just to add a little to that--i'm a student admin at my school for the
cs dept, and over the past semester i've convinced the powers that be
that debian is the way to go in our linux based robotics/graphics lab.
their original worry was that some of the software we need (maya, for
example) wasn't 'certified' to run on any other linux than redhat, and
thus only came in rpm packages.  so i took the rpm packages, used alien
to debianize them, and installed them with no fuss.  they even show up
in their own section in dselect, so you can keep an eye on your foreign

actually, i might argue that the install was less of a hassle on debian
than on redhat, because we had to 'downgrade' our rh compilers and
libraries to get our maya plugins to work (yeah, remember all that fuss
a while back about redhat and development versions of compilers in their
standard release?).  it worked right from the start with debian :)


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