LeRoy Cressy on Fri, 1 Nov 2002 12:00:04 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] Problems w/SMTP on Verizon DSL, none on Comcast Cable?

It all depends on where you are connected to Comcast. For instance my mother is on the Coatsville PA cable and they block smtp, ssh, html, and a lot of other ports. I cannot use the standard ssh port 22 to log on remotely to my mothers network. But other locations like Westchester is open for ssh remote login.

Personally, I would not use Verizon DSL, when there are others that are willing to give you a static IP and do not block anything. DCA, Direct, and others are very accomindating to the Linux/BSD communities.

Jason Costomiris wrote:
On Thursday, October 31, 2002, at 07:23  PM, Stephen Gran wrote:

Doesn't Comcast firewall ports 25, 80, 110, and a ton of others?  This
was the reason I switched to DCA.net - Comcast told me that they would
be unable (or unwilling) to open a few ports for me to run a mail
hub/webserver on.

Not that I know of..

I might be misunderstanding, but you were asking about a mail hub on
your LAN, as opposed to the Comcast mailservers, right?

Nope, not at all.  In a colo.

-- Rev. LeRoy D. Cressy mailto:leroy@lrcressy.com /\_/\ http://lrcressy.com ( o.o ) Phone: 215-535-4037 > ^ <

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)

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