Arthur S. Alexion on Sat, 14 Dec 2002 12:40:05 -0500 |
a while back, I got some help getting rid of some of the unwanted effects of an evolution install. With help from this list and a very helpful guy named Mark Gordon on the Evolution list, I was able to restore the kdm login and jpilot/pilot-link. All I wanted to do was to run evolution as an MUA so that I could get mail when occasionally using gnome instead of firing up kmail and the kdelibs in gnome. I believe that it was Mark who advised me that uninstalling the gnome-pilot and pilot-link.ximian packages and reinstall jpilot and the basic pilot-link would reinvigor jpilot synching while keeping the MUA capabilities of evolution. On this list, I got help changing /etc/sysconfig/desktop to restore kdm. That worked for a while, but now gnome won't load and evolution won't run under windowmaker either. Gnome seems to load, but no panel and no desktop icons. Just wallpaper. My only option is ctrl+alt+<backspace>. Trying to launch evolution from a terminal in windowmaker indicates that the launching script or binary is gone. Red carpet seems to be gone too, except the directories are still there. I don't have a clue what happened. -- _______________________________ Art Alexion Arthur S. Alexion LLC _________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --