Paul on Wed, 1 Jan 2003 02:04:16 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] Modem Buys

Find a modem with a Lucent chip (yes, a WinModem) and it should work with minimal effort. I have one in my laptop (mini PCI) and it works very well.

The best modem that I've ever used is a 56k US Robotics Sportster external serial modem. When I'm not sharing a connection I can switch it between two computers, and it can be reset with the click of a switch instead of a reboot. The status lights are nice, too.

Vinord Anand wrote:

I had posted to this list earlier about setting up my SM56 PCI
motorola modem on my Red Hat Linux 7.3 for Internet access.
I have since given up on this modem and would like to buy a new
modem.I am using a Pentium II machine.

From your collective experience ,which internal PCI modem
would be the easiest and less troublefree to set up on RH 7.3
From my search on the web almost every internal modem
requires quite bit of effort to set up on Iinux machine unlike
Win machines where only a few mouse clicks are required
to set up almost any new hardware.

I would like to purchase an internal PCI modem which is not
a soft/winmodem and has drivers available and built specifically
for my kernel version 2.4.18-3 and which won't require any kernel
configurations or any other tweaking of the kernel to make it
usable for dial up PPP connection.


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