gabriel rosenkoetter on Mon, 10 Feb 2003 13:50:30 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] (OT) DSL and Taxes

On Mon, Feb 10, 2003 at 01:55:24PM -0500, Bill Patterson wrote:
> Philadelphia has a "gross receipts tax" but that is levied on the
> company at 1% of gross revenue, if memory serves me.  It is something
> the company has to build in to its prices; I am not aware of a provision
> for passing it on.

So what's the difference between building it into their prices and
passing it on, in this case? Same effect, you just know how much of
the money you're paying the ISP is actually going to the state

Also, with Speakeasy, it's Covad doing the passing on, as their the
one who'd be getting the GRT in that arrangment. (Unless the
DirecTV-switched lines aren't operated by Covad, I suppose.)

gabriel rosenkoetter

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