mjd-lists-plug on Mon, 24 Feb 2003 10:41:03 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] fakeidentd

> I want to fake my identd to be Batshua so that I can be my old anonymous 
> self on IRC.

identd is trivial to fake.  Here's what I use:


        # open(TTY, "> /dev/ttyp5");

        $in = <STDIN>;
        # print TTY "Input: $in";
        chop($in) if $in =~ /\n$/;
        chop($in) if $in =~ /\r$/;
        ($a, $b) = split(/\s*,\s*/, $in);
        $rand = sprintf("%03d", 1000 * rand());
        $output =  "$a , $b : USERID : UNIX : nunya$rand\r\n";
        # $output =  "$a , $b : USERID : UNIX : upyours\r\n";
        # print TTY "Output: $output";
        print $output;

Adjust $output to suit your taste.

Then I run this daemon from xinetd by putting these contents into

        # default: on
        # description: fake identd
        service auth
                socket_type		= stream
                wait			= no
                user			= qmaild
                server			= /usr/local/sbin/in.identd.fake
        #	server_args		= /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd
                log_on_success		+= DURATION HOST
                log_on_failure		+= HOST

Or you could run it from inetd instead.

Hope this helps.
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