Walt Mankowski on Thu, 27 Feb 2003 00:21:05 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] GnuPG 1.2.1 trustdb checks for every pubkey import?

On Wed, Feb 26, 2003 at 11:53:11PM -0500, David Shaw wrote:
> That was me.  However, unless you're running on a very slow computer,
> it simply should never take over a minute to check the trustdb.  Even
> on my poky laptop, it's done in 3 seconds... and I'm running a
> debugging version of GnuPG that does more than the regular one does,
> and building the web of trust to depth 7.

Hmm...it takes over a minute on my p3-450.

> Can you tell me how many keys are in your keyring?

% gpg --with-colons --list-keys | grep ^pub | wc -l
gpg: key 375AD924: no subkey for subkey revocation packet

> Also, what happens if you run:
>   gpg --with-colons --list-keys | grep pub | grep :20:

pub:e:1536:20:809746D01F600BF5:2001-02-28:2002-02-28::-:Stephen D Cope <mail@sdc.org.nz>::esc:
pub:-:4096:20:78E47CE46928B48B:2001-12-19:::-:Goran Ristic (Pro-Shop) <webmaster@brodauer-muehle.de>::escESC:
pub:-:1024:20:2C3DF263CA9AD2FA:2001-02-19:::-:Andreas Krennmair <a.krennmair@aon.at>::escESC:
gpg: key 375AD924: no subkey for subkey revocation packet
pub:-:4096:20:8572E22610F4B2AA:2002-05-23:::-:David Picon Alvarez <eleuteri@myrealbox.com>::escESC:
pub:-:2048:20:A18E18ACB6C7087B:2000-11-01:2003-11-01::-:Aigars Mahinovs <aigarius@debian.org>::escESC:
pub:-:1024:20:4AF57F58948562BC:2000-05-11:::-:Tomas Pospisek <tpo_deb@sourcepole.ch>::escESC:
pub:-:1024:20:BCBCB2C82BE2FE81:2000-12-07:::-:Mark Johnson (Harco) <mark@duke.edu>::escESC:
pub:-:1024:20:6A9F2CE5EC7056CC:2001-04-08:::-:Luis Bustamante <luferbu@fluidsignal.com>::escESC:

Attachment: pgpWsYAmBCHLY.pgp
Description: PGP signature