John Lavin on Wed, 26 Mar 2003 21:37:11 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] cdparanoia and cd-rw

Jeff Abrahamson said:
> Yeah, I'm thinking this, too. But there I block: what could let all
> these things work just fine but stump cd-paranoia? Anyone know more
> about how the scsi emulation stuff interacts with the rest of the
> world?

<scratches head> SCSI emulation was my thought too.  Only quirkiness
I've seen is whether or not I have my zip drive plugged in when I
bootup.  If I do or not, the CDROM shows up differently.  I also link my
CD burner to sr0, not scd0.  I don't believe that is the problem though.


If its ide, can you just mount it as /dev/hdc or whatever?  Does
cdparanoia pick it up then?  The command you have is forcing to
/dev/cdrom instead of the first cdrom device it finds.  Is it possible
you're playing from another device than what cdrom is linked to?

John Lavin <>                  ,''`.
Fingerprint: B0AA 4A33 D43F BA67 E524  22F3 DA3B F8C8 2BA4 8C46        : :' :
 A heretic is a man who sees with his own eyes.   --Gotthold Ephraim   `. `'
Lessing                                                                  `-

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