Brian Epstein on Mon, 12 May 2003 20:22:05 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] security training and certification...

> The most notable, ISC^2 and GIAC, both require 4 years of professional
> security related work experience as a prerequisite. I do do not possess

I am also looking at the CISSP.  You are in luck with the BS, though.  
The requirement knocks down to 3 years of professional security work 
with a college degree.

Still don't know if you have enough experience, but in my book, time is 
not the answer to everything.  I don't know how much checking goes into 
the 3 years experience.  But, from the reference guide that they pooled 
the questions from, this looks like an extensive test.

Anyone out there with a CISSP have any suggestions?


Brian Epstein <>
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