Bill Patterson on Sun, 18 May 2003 11:48:05 -0400

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[PLUG] CS or MIS??

My $0.02:

IMHO I must respectfully disagree with Brad to say that an MIS degree is
not so much about learning to run a help desk or be a sysadmin as it is
about the business administration side of the computer facility,
including analysis of business systems and managment of them.  Look at
the syllabi for the programs in which you have interest.

To quote from Drexel's program:
"M.I.S. involves the study of business and of computerized information
technology.The goal is to integrate both areas of expertise and to
learn how to apply the power of technology toward solving business
problems.  The emphasis is on human-computer interaction, and on
the practical applications of computer systems in business, including
effective data management and efficient systems of information relay." 
Drexel has more information at

Already having a BA in economics and an MBA (management) I chose to take
an MS in computer science from Drexel.  It met my needs (with some
limitations which I described in an earlier email).  I think it comes
down to what you want to do.  MIS on top of a technical background would
be helpful.  MIS without the technology from somewhere else could be
somewhat limited.  Just knowing the technology without an understanding
of how it fits into business could keep you from getting into management
or even being as effective a technician as you could otherwise be.

Bill Patterson
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