Magnus on Tue, 17 Jun 2003 11:31:04 -0400 |
Some countries require you to certify before you can call yourself a software engineer. The US does not. That's not strictly true; it varies on a state by state basis. This has been causing MCSE's no end of trouble in some states. Texas has been a hotbed of legal troubles over this. Seems to me I recently read an article or short note regarding software engineers in Texas. Apparently the TX government is being hostile towards people claiming to be software engineers despite not having passed Texas' certifications; looks like TX actually requires their engineers to be certified. Yep. Other states may have similar laws, but Texas is the center of attention over this issue. On the other hand, recently I've seen a spate of ads for "software engineers" that were for web programmers, maybe working with web databases or some such. Hiring managers and especially HR people and recruiters often lump all us computer guys together, and randomly choose titles that other computer related workers have had. I've seen a lot of "system administrator" and "network administrator" confusion, when really they are two distinct disciplines that have a little bit of overlap. Or "system programmer" and "programmer/analyst" being used to describe a system administrator. If you search strictly based on your actual job title you're going to be really disappointed. In job searching today you need to search for all jobs that are even slightly related to your own in order to get all the hits. It can surely be frustrating. The state just sent a notice saying I might be eligible for a temporary extention on my unemployment benefits. Frankly, I'd rather be working. I know the feeling. I stayed busy (as busy as I could) by consulting during my dry spell. I still do some on the side from time to time. - -- C. Magnus Hedemark "From the Fury of the Norsemen please Deliver us, Oh Lord" -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (Darwin) iEYEARECAAYFAj7vNAgACgkQYPuF4Zq9lvYcgACfVCfmFV51/S/U7Azv5tuBFCWN +9UAn3fyfU0oy21Wl92dgQ4mpH2WmEYg =Hau1 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- _________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --