Arthur S. Alexion on Fri, 1 Aug 2003 21:24:05 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] OpenOffice 1.1 upgrade

I am a word processor user, not a file viewer like Toby, do enhanced usefulness would be a good thing. Well, I guess I will have to dig into upgrading freetype. There was an OOo channel for Red-Carpet which would have solved the dependency problems, but I haven't been ble to get most of the Red-Carpet channels for a month or so -- except for the Red-Hat-7.2 and Red Carpet channels, I keep geting download/server unavailable errors.

W. Chris Shank wrote:

I disagree. OOo 1.1 has a lot of useful extra's mostly in the form of
taking less steps to accomplish a task. You may think of this as a minor
difference - but for my clients who are used to Word, telling them that
the equiv feature takes 2 menus and 4 mouse click for MS's one or two
click is not good. They do complain and I don't blame them. I've been using OOo B2 for PPC for quite a while and have been very
happy with it.

On Wed, 2003-07-30 at 17:05, Toby DiPasquale wrote:

Arthur S. Alexion wrote:

I've been running OOo 1.0.2 on Red Hat 7.2 without problems. Tried to upgrade to OOo 1.1 RC, and ran into compatibility problems with my current 2.0.3 version of freetype. Seems OOo =>1.1 will require freetype >= 2.0.6. I found some freetype 2.0.9 RPMs, but am having the usual dependency domino effect. Question: any OOo users out there using 1.1 with an opinion whether upgrading is worth it under my circumstnces?

Unless you want the Flash export feature that bad, I'd say chill and wait for the release and upgrade then. Its not that much better than OOo 1.0.3 which is what I'm back to now. Of course, I only use it when people mistakenly send me something important in one of MS's formats so I don't know how typical my experiences are. HTH


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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