kaze on Mon, 4 Aug 2003 12:33:14 -0400

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RE: [PLUG] BIND troubleshooting / help

--> [mailto:plug-admin@lists.phillylinux.org]On Behalf Of Mental Patient
--> Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 11:14 AM
--> Did you configure the other 2 nameservers as clients of the primary?
--> Something like:
--> zone "domain" {
-->   type slave;
-->   file "filename_to_write_cached_file_to";
-->   allow-transfer { DIRECTIVES; };
--> }
--> And in your master you'd have something along the lines of
--> zone "domain" {
-->   type master;
-->   file "filename_of_zone";
-->   allow-transfer { DIRECTIVES; };
--> }

On master:

zone  "gh-systems.com" {
	type master;
	file  "gh-systems.com.zone";

On slaves:

zone  "gh-systems.com" {
        type slave;
        file  "gh-systems.com.zone";
        masters {; };

Guess I'm missing the
allow-transfer { DIRECTIVES; };

which on the master would be
allow-transfer {
        ns2.intelli-media.com; };

I will, of course try it, but from the BIND 9 Administrator Reference Manual
by Internet Software Consortium:
Specifies which hosts are allowed to receive zone transfers from the server.
allow-transfer may also
be specified in the zone statement, in which case it overrides the options
allow-transfer statement.
If not specified, the default is to allow transfers to all hosts.

Also, doesn't the fact that a dig zone transfer worked from slave hitting
the master mean that it's allowed?

--> If that crap is setup properly then all you should need to do is edit
--> the zone on the master, change records, incremenent serialnumber and
--> kill -HUP the master only. When it (the master) restarts, it should
--> notify the secondary servers listed in the SOA of the zones it's
--> serving. The secondarys should transfer the zones and write them to
--> their cache. When debugging cache issues, know who you're running as.
--> Often linux distributions run named as root, so cache permissions aren't
--> much of an issue. If you're chrooting or running as an unprivleged user,
--> be aware of this and make sure the cache files can be manipulated as
--> the  user bind runs as.

I think it's all as root; though top shows named's user as named so I might
have to set some permissions on the slave's files?

--> Grab the bind tarball. Theres lots of examples in there.
--> --
--> Mental (Mental@NeverLight.com)
--> GPG public key: http://www.neverlight.com/pas/Mental.asc

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