Will Dyson on Mon, 4 Aug 2003 15:10:18 -0400

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[PLUG] IPtables and forwarding latency


We have set up a client of ours with a Linux box (running the Gibraltar
livecd distro) for a firewall/router/ip accounting solution. The
shorewall program is used to configure iptables.

Periodicly, the latency of pings through the router goes through the
roof. From less than a millisecond to more than 500 on average. Issuing
a 'shorewall restart' command (which clears and re-inserts the iptables
rules) brings the latency back down to normal.

The box is running the 2.4.20 kernel (with some patches from the
Gibraltar maintainer), so this issue http://lwn.net/Articles/42344/
might be relevent (we have connection tracking, but not NAT turned on).
But if that doesn't turn out to be the problem, does anyone have any
other ideas?

Will Dyson
"Back off man, I'm a scientist!" -Dr. Peter Venkman

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