M.Simons on 17 Oct 2003 07:14:02 -0400 |
A number of you are interested in helping Nonprofits use technology (and promoting Linux, *BSD, or FLOSS in the process...) Following is some good information on getting involved with this local Philadelphia conference in a way that allows us to really be able to shape the conference outlook. BTW, if anybody wants to help a nonprofit immediately, I know a good one that can use some help. ;) Drop me a line. ====== Hello All, If you haven't heard by now, the N-TEN Nonprofit Technology Conference (formerly known as the N-TEN RoundUP) is coming to Philadelphia, PA! If you haven't heard about the conference, here is a little bit of information about it: What is the Nonprofit Technology Conference? It's the premier annual event for anyone interested in helping nonprofits make more effective use of technology to achieve their missions. The Conference will be your best opportunity to meet peers and build relationships, share resources and ideas, and learn more about what's happening in the nonprofit technology field. The 2004 Nonprofit Technology Conference will be held in Philadelphia, PA on Thursday, March 25th through Saturday, March 27th, 2004. More in depth information regarding the N-TEN Nonprofit Technology Conference (formerly known as the RoundUP) can be viewed at http://www.nten.org/roundup. Why you should get involved! N-TEN is hosting a telephone conference regarding setting the agenda for the conference next Wednesday, October 15, 2003 at 12 NOON. To join the conference planning mailing list, please visit http://list.nten.org/lists/info/roundupplanning. The agenda can't be set without the help of important people such as yourself! If you are interested in participating on this telephone conference, please email Ed Batista @ ed@nten.org so that enough space can be reserved for the telephone conference. Specifically, the following topic will be addressed, and the "hard core" planning of the agenda will be started the day after this phone conference. The main context of the phone conference is to address: 2) WHAT OPPORTUNITIES & CHALLENGES WILL THIS PRESENT? In a nutshell, N-TEN must strike a balance between developing the larger nonprofit technology community while continuing to support specific constituencies within that community. The 2004 Nonprofit Technology Conference is expected to attract more than 600 nonprofit leaders and staff, Circuit Riders and other service providers, funders and vendors from across the U.S. and beyond. This will be an incredible opportunity to bring these different constituencies together to collectively address issues related to nonprofit technology. But it also poses a challenge to us as we seek to continue our community-building efforts, particularly among Circuit Riders and nonprofit staff. Our goal is to create some opportunities that will bring everyone together to address issues we all share in common, while creating additional space that will allow different constituencies to meet separately and address issues uniquely important to them. In addition, the Conference agenda must meet the needs of an increasingly diverse audience, that not only crosses different organizational backgrounds, but also encompasses a broad range of technical expertise. But the expanded size of the Conference will allow us to offer a more comprehensive agenda that will meet everyone's needs more effectively. Please read accordingly and if you feel as though you can contribute, by all means, please join the phone conference. Thanks for your time... Lassain R. Robinson Strategic Technical Planning & Assessment Coordinator Teaming for Technology United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania http://www.uwsepa.org/team4tech http://www.beehive.org/philly Phone: 215-665-2590 Please find below the forwarded message from Holly Ross, Director of Programs at N-TEN. For those interested in shaping the agenda for the NTC conference coming to Philadelphia, here is your chance. Hi folks - We're kicking off the agenda planning process for the 2004 Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC), and we need your input! Please take these two simple steps to get involved: <> Review the current list of proposed Conference sessions at http://www.surveymonkey.com/Report.asp?U=29390192028 <> Submit your own ideas for Conference sessions at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=17870293901 The rest of this message contains more information on the NTC, our agenda goals, and the planning process. If you have any questions, please contact Holly Ross, N-TEN Director of Programs, at holly@nten.org. CONTENTS: 1) 2004 NTC Overview 2) Conference Agenda Goals 3) Agenda Planning Process <><><> 1) 2004 NTC OVERVIEW The 2004 NTC, which will be held March 25-27 in Philadelphia, PA, will incorporate the N-TEN Roundup and the E-Philanthropy Conference, and will be presented by N-TEN and co-hosted by Network for Good and United Way of America. The NTC will be the premier annual event for anyone interested in helping nonprofits use technology to achieve their missions. For more information, see the 2004 NTC Home Page at http://www.nten.org/ntc. <><><> 2) CONFERENCE AGENDA GOALS <> Develop approximately 36 sessions that will meet the needs of the 600 attendees we're expecting at the Conference. <> Insure that every session is a high-quality, balanced and objective presentation. <> Create session tracks that specifically address our three main constituencies: A) Nonprofit Technology Assistance Providers (NTAPs), B) Nonprofit management and program staff, and C) Nonprofit technology staff. <> Recruit session designers and speakers that reflect the diversity of our attendees. <> Do all of this in an open and transparent way. <><><> 3) AGENDA PLANNING PROCESS <> PHASE ONE, Gather Input: October 15-November 8 As noted at the top of this message, we're collecting suggestions for session topics from the entire NTC community through an online survey. <> Review the current list of proposed Conference sessions at http://www.surveymonkey.com/Report.asp?U=29390192028 <> Submit your own ideas for Conference sessions at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=17870293901 This survey will be open until November 8. After you've submitted your ideas, please forward this message to your colleagues, and encourage them to complete the survey. It's really important that we hear from as many people as possible in this process. <> PHASE TWO, Review Survey Results: November 10-17 First, we'll hold an open conference call on November 10 for the community to discuss the sessions proposed in the survey and answer any questions about them. The call-in number for the conference call will be distributed via the NTC Planning Group, http://list.nten.org/lists/info/ntc. Second, from November 11 through November 17, we'll hold an online vote to allow the community to rank the proposed sessions in order of preference. PLEASE NOTE that this will not determine the final Conference agenda, but it will be one of the most significant factors in making that decision. As with the conference call, links to the online vote will be distributed via the NTC Planning Group, http://list.nten.org/lists/info/ntc. <> PHASE THREE, Finalize Agenda: November 18-25 N-TEN staff will gather all of the input from the NTC Planning Group and consult with other sets of stakeholders--the N-TEN Board of Directors, our Conference co-hosts (Network for Good and United Way of America), the NTC Advisory Committee (representatives from last year's E-Philanthropy Conference Planning Committee and other organizations that have pledged to help with the Conference), and Conference funders--before making the final decision on agenda sessions. The final agenda will be announced via a number of email groups and posted to the NTC Agenda page, http://www.nten.org/ntc-agenda. <> PHASE FOUR, Confirm Session Designers & Speakers, Nov 26-Dec 12 N-TEN staff will confirm session designers for each session, and those individuals in turn will confirm the speakers for their specific session. In some cases, the people who proposed a session topic will have volunteered to serve as session designers and/or speakers, while in other cases, we will have to actively recruit designers and speakers for a session. If you're interested in serving as a session designer or speaker after the agenda has been announced, please contact Holly Ross at holly@nten.org or 415.397.9000. <><><> Any questions? Please feel free to email or call. Holly Holly Ross, Director of Programs, N-TEN Nonprofit Technology Enterprise Network http://www.nten.org holly@nten.org, 415.397.9000 _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- http://www.phillylinux.org Announcements - http://lists.phillylinux.org/mailman/listinfo/plug-announce General Discussion -- http://lists.phillylinux.org/mailman/listinfo/plug