Stephen Gran on 21 Oct 2003 15:54:02 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] Newbie -red hat 9 - how do I turn off gnome?

On Tue, Oct 21, 2003 at 03:34:41PM -0400, Douglas Lentz said:
> I' m running Red Hat 9 on an old P200 w/64mb RAM and I would like to
> turn off gnome & X. It's fine with me if I run the box in 100% pure text
> console mode, using virtual terminals and so forth. But, friends, I
> think you will admit, they hid it good this time. Tried the Red Hat 7 (I
> had a book)
> instructions for stopping gnome, no dice. Sent a kill signal to the  X
> server and it just started up again. Gnome help can't seem to
> conceptualize why someone would want to turn it off, tried logout,
> restarting in failsafe mode, unsucessful. Needless to say, box swaps to
> disk like a  maniac.
> Do I have to do some kernel tweaking on this one? Thanks in advance.

Look in /etc/inittab - I think that's where RH starts things like
{x,g,k}dm from.  Comment the respawn line, and either reload init or

|  Stephen Gran                  | Mos Eisley Spaceport; you will never    |
|             | find a more wretched hive of scum and   |
| | villainy...   -- Obi-wan Kenobi, "Star  |
|  			         | Wars"                                   |

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