Tobias DiPasquale on 18 Nov 2003 22:21:02 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] software choice

On Tue, 2003-11-18 at 21:33, gabriel rosenkoetter wrote:
> Displaying web pages is not a hard problem. So why's Mozilla so damn
> slow and crash all the time? Because it's trying to do way too much,
> and even if it's "only" the web browser portion, it's ridiculous
> bloated with useless crap.

useless, adj.
     1. Being or having no beneficial use; futile or ineffective.
     2. Incapable of functioning or assisting; ineffectual.

Please delineate exactly which piece of Mozilla has no "use". Some
features of Mozilla may indeed be useless to you, perhaps, simply by
virtue of the fact that you will never use them. That is not to say that
they _have_ no use. Aren't you lucky that you have two solutions to that
problem: a) don't install the features that you don't want, or, if you
can't do that b) don't use Mozilla.

As well, displaying _properly-formed HTML pages_ is indeed not that
difficult of a problem. However, attempting to make sense of some of the
junk that Frontpage and Dreamweaver generate definitely is.

My original post was rhetorical and has proven my point well enough. You
disparage software that you don't understand, and yet you offer no
alternative theories or implementations of this same functionality.
Computers don't need to be the way you would like them, nor would we all
be better off using computers and software designed by you. Perhaps a
little more constructive criticism and less outright flaming is in

Am I the only one that's tired of the dripping-with-contempt posts to
this list? "PostScript is just text; open it in an editor." That's
really helpful. "Stop top-posting because I don't like it" Who gives a
shit what you like? Can you read the message? Then read it and reply to
it, not how its written. Jesus, man, get over yourself. Someone who
truly was on top of their game, as you clearly want to be known as,
would never act like you do. Any more of this and this list will lose
all of its remaining utility for me.

P.S. One more thing: the PowerPC architecture is one of the cleanest
around. Mac software aside, they couldn't have chosen a better
computation engine against price/performance considerations.

Tobias DiPasquale,
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