Rob Carlson on 25 Nov 2003 11:37:02 -0500 |
At work we use macs, and I recently formatted my disk and converted to panther. Now unlike most nixes, *almost all conf in Mac OS X files are in ~/Library, so that is what I backed up (along with various doc files). Unfortunately I forgot that gnupg uses "dot" files, and I didn't save that. Of course the key I created for my work account had no expiration either, so I can't upload a new key. My question-- is my work account email address forever damned to be unable to use pgp, or is there some way (preferable) that I can use my home account key with my work account in Mozilla mail? My gut hunch is I've rendered my work account useless for PGP forever. Any ideas? Thanks for any help-- Rob Carlson ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --