David Shaw on 28 Nov 2003 10:28:02 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] Severe Bug in GnuPG

On Fri, Nov 28, 2003 at 09:08:40AM -0500, gabriel rosenkoetter wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 28, 2003 at 08:58:28AM -0500, Walt Mankowski wrote:
> > But not impossible! :)
> Sure, but I didn't say it was. :^>
> > pub  1024G/C13BA720 2002-06-22 Samuel Bronson <naesten@postmark.net>
> > uid                            Samuel Bronson <naesten@myrealbox.com>
> > uid                            Samuel J. J. Bronson <naesten@myrealbox.com>
> Yeah, that key's revoked, though John Lavin (the only signer of the
> key, apparently) would do well to revoke his signature with keyid
> 2BA48C46.
> Probably because David Shaw or Werner Koch (not clear on which one)
> contacted all 20 owners of ElGamal signature keys listed on the key
> servers privately the day before the public announcement.

A few more than 20 - there were 848 Elgamal primaries out there.  We
wanted to give more time for the key owners to revoke their keys, but
unfortunately, one of the key addresses was a mail-to-news gateway...


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