Jesse Huestis on 28 Dec 2003 11:21:02 -0500 |
Hi Jeff has some very good advice. Can you see the drive correctly in the systems BIOS? Jeff, I am wondering, as I have had the same problem with some older machines and the ATA 133 drives, do the other *FDISK programs see the drive correctly even if teh BIOS does not? Jesse Michael Lazin wrote: I got a new ultra ATA 133 40 gig hard drive for Christmas and I tried putting it in a pentium II machine running redhat 9. I used fdisk to create a partition for it and makefs to create a filesystem but when I did df -h /dev/hdb it said I only had about 3 gigs on the drive. Do I need a controller card to use this hard drive on this system? If so, can anyone recommend an inexpensive controller card for this drive that will work with linux? ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --