Jeff Abrahamson on 4 Jan 2004 14:21:02 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] Self-certifying File System

On Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 08:52:59AM -0400, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
> Anyone used SFS?
> From the FAQ,
>     What is SFS?
>     SFS is a network file system that provides strong security over
>     untrusted networks. At the same time, SFS goes to great lengths to
>     prevent security from hurting performance or becoming an
>     administrative burden.
> I'm thinking of setting it up as a nice way to access my data at
> school from home. I currently use ssh, but it would be even faster to
> run emacs at home against a remote file than to display back an emacs
> session.

I finally got around to setting up SFS.  It's very nice, feels just
like NFS, and was quite fast to set up.  I can edit, compile, and
debug on any machine I choose.  This feels normal to me in a corporate
context or a large computer lab, but it's a nice change when I want to
work at home, say, and I can still just cd into my directory at the

Of course, there's a cost somewhere, and it's in compile time.  Saving
a file takes a shade longer, just enough to be noticeable.  Compiling,
though, slows down a fair bit, even though the system include files
and the compiler are all local to me.  (All the machines run linux.)

But this is a reasonable price to pay for having emacs itself be
local, as well as my debugging sessions and other programs I run (gv,
xfig, other nerdy academic stuff).


 Jeff Abrahamson  <>
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