Jeff Abrahamson on 4 Jan 2004 14:31:02 -0000

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[PLUG] free books update

I have books from Prentice Hall.  They're free to a good home.  PH
does request that you write a review of the book(s) that you take and
let us know where you've posted the review, whether on our list, our
website, on amazon, or elsewhere.

Here's what I've got now:

    Migrating to the Solaris Operating System (Sun Blueprints series)

    Online! The Book (John Dvorak)

    Next Generations Ajpplication Integration (Linthicum)

    Open Source Network Administration (Kretchmar)

Drop me a line if you want one or more.  You can either pick it from
me in University City, I can deliver it to you in UC / CC, or you can
paypal me the $4 or so it would cost me to mail it to you.

(Adam <> requested Migrating to Solaris, but then
failed to provide either a shipping address or an indication that he'd
pick it up from me.  So, Adam, let me know if you're still interested.
After another day or two, I'll figure it's available again.)


 Jeff Abrahamson  <>
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