Jeff Abrahamson on 22 Feb 2004 16:41:02 -0000

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[PLUG] UDP programming question

Here's a code snippet.  It should receive a UDP packet and then send
it back to the guy it got it from.  For brevity in this email, I've
stripped error checking.

What actually happens is that it receives the UDP packet's contents
just fine, but faddr is not filled in, remaining all zeroes.  So the
sendto fails with a bad parameter error.

I've been googling, gdb'ing, and reading man pages for too long.  Any
suggestions on what I mean to do here?


    struct sockaddr_in faddr; /* address of remote peer */
    int num_read;

    memset(&faddr, 0, sizeof(faddr));
    num_read = recvfrom(sock, &buf, MAX_MSG_SIZE, 0,
                        (struct sockaddr *)&faddr, &fromlen);
    printf("Server received message: '%s'\n", buf);

    /* Now just send it back to client to show that we can. */
    ret = sendto(sock, &buf, num_read, 0,
                 (struct sockaddr *)&faddr, sizeof(faddr));


 Jeff Abrahamson  <>
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