Alex Birch on 12 Mar 2004 15:13:03 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] [OT] Postage on EMail?

George Gallen wrote:

So are there any exemptions from the fee? Say a grade school?
or if sending to a .gov address, impovished countries trying
to send real mail. Since they will not have an estamp, you now
have created lots of emails back and forth to accept, thus
tripling the # of emails.

Why would you need an exemption if no one ever labels your email as spam? You wouldn't be charged unless the people say it's spam. I'm grateful for Jeff's explanation. It eclipsed mine!

Should Maillists have lower fees?

You set the price limit.. you could set it to zero and maintain the current status of spam. Or 1 cent to get read of most of the spammers with their spoofed email addresses.

I see so many problems, and too much $ changing hands. Imagine
the underworld wants to launder money, all they will need to
do is send out a crap load of emails to people, spreading the
money trail over thousands of accounts.

How would this differ from EBay, Half, Lulu or any of the millions of online stores? It'll still leave an electronic trail which the NSA should have no problem following.

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