Art Clemons on 11 Apr 2004 17:38:04 -0000 |
The problem is now no Display Managers work (xdm, gdm, kdm), where as they all functioned correctly before. What happens is the login screen comes up, but any user choosing a session gets thrown back to the login screen about 5 seconds later. The only way out is to do a console login on kdm (on xdm, it's uglier and requires ssh). I run slack current too. I ran into a similar problem, and my likely solution (i.e. it worked for me) involved trying a startx, noting the resulting errors, and renaming the problem file to <problem_file.bak>, restarting startx with no errors, exiting then typing kdm. I realize I should have troubleshot, but it was obvious that would have taken longer than I wanted to spend, and I was lazy at the time.