Jeff Abrahamson on 9 May 2004 13:12:02 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] Looking for a multi-codec GUI audio converter

On Sat, May 08, 2004 at 08:57:13PM -0400, Michael Leone wrote:
>   [21 lines, 176 words, 1132 characters]  Top characters: _noeaisl
> I have a bunch of music encoded in variuos ways - MP3, WAV, FLAC, SHN -
> and I'm looking for a GUI program that will take any of those as input,
> and convert to MP3 (specifically). I know MP3 is a lossy format, and the
> others are in lossless, but I have a portable MP3 player, and it don't
> wanna know about no stinkin' FLAC  or SHN format. :-)
> (it would be nice to have any of those as output formats, but the MP3
> one is the one I have most need of)
> I have the FLAC and SHN plugins for XMMS, but it only outputs WAV, not
> MP3 (unless there's some output plugin I haven't found yet). Audacity
> doesn't know about FLAC and SHN. Etc.
> So I'm looking for something that will do the converting in one step,
> and I haven't found anything as of yet. I keep finding things that will
> do some, but not others. Anybody got a recommendation?

If you can convert to WAV, then use your favorite mp3 encoder to
convert wav to mp3.  From abcde:

    # program paths - defaults to checking your $PATH
    # mp3
    # ogg
    # flac
    # speex

I note that mp3 encoders have disappeared from debian testing, though.

Note that there's loss in resampling.


 Jeff Abrahamson  <>
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