Jeff Abrahamson on 21 May 2004 12:56:02 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] (Slightly OT) Personal Websites?

Hmm, I missed the keyword popup the first time around, galeon didn't
show it well.  Oh, I see now, in mozilla there's a background that
galeon didn't show.  (For some reason galeon doesn't show background

But I also didn't understand what the keyword box was for.  I typed
"photo" and got a google search on the word "photo!"  I was expecting
to find photos of you.  (I gather, from what you wrote below, that you
changed it, but it's apparently not really keywords on your site

The site is much clearer when the background shows up.  Looks slick.

The navigations is pretty obscure, though, in text mode or when color
isn't fully available.  You might consider providing alt tags for your
images, especially the navigation ones.


ps: The quoting below dropped the URL under discussion, it is 

pps: Don't design for a browser, design for the web.  You may test it
     primarily in MSIE because that's what you have, but be careful
     not to succumb to the temptation to then dismiss comments about
     display in other browsers.

ppps: Glad you're making a site, though.  It's very convenient, I
      find, to have such brief bits about people.  The Internet is so
      anonymous, it at least puts faces and humanity to people, even
      if we otherwise don't know each other.

On Fri, May 21, 2004 at 08:22:47AM -0400, Chris Bovasso wrote:
>   [46 lines, 310 words, 2143 characters]  Top characters: _etoasnl
> Thanks for the ideas it is always appreciated. Unfortunately I have to do
> most of my html and design work for IE since that is pretty much the only
> browser my friends and family use and my site gets little traffic from non
> family/friends. I do however check to make sure that it looks somewhat nice
> in Mozilla just to give props to my roots. :)
> That is an interesting idea to make the keyword search the website.
> Basically what I did is create a database of keywords that I can update and
> if a person tries to go to a keyword that doesnt exist it just brings them
> to a google search. Maybe I should create a search for the site and instead
> of using a google search I could use that search instead. Fun times!
> Thanks again for the review Paul.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Paul" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 3:02 AM
> Subject: Re: [PLUG] (Slightly OT) Personal Websites?
> > I like the "cut-out" look of your navigation images.  The Messages thing
> > is cool.  I would suggest a photo gallery, as opposed to a directory
> > listing, for your portfolio.  I like the offset layout of your pictures,
> > page one.  You have some missing pictures under Steph & Sean.
> > Navigation is kind of limited by the fact that I must return to the home
> > page before moving to another area of the site.  The keyword pop-up
> > window was too small and not resizable.  I thought the keyword search
> > would search your site, not the Internet.
> >
> > Overall, the site is great.  Visually pleasing.
> >
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 Jeff Abrahamson  <>
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