Jeff Abrahamson on 28 May 2004 11:26:02 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] Urgent! Check This Out! CVS is vulnerable.

On Fri, May 28, 2004 at 11:45:29AM +0530, McLinux wrote:
>   [12 lines, 22 words, 368 characters]  Top characters:_ lnshopa
> Hi all,
> Check this out:

I think this is more routine that it makes out to be or than your
terse message suggests, although still an exploitable vulnerability.

Routine because cvs has not been immune over time to remotely
exploitable vulnerabilities.  Looking only at the 2004 Debian security
archive, I found three:

This last appears to be the same bug reported on the cvs web site in
their link to CVE.

The post on packetstorm to which cvs links

seems less than professional, so my first thought was that it was not
legitimate.  But poking about it appears not only legit but also that
the problem was fixed nine days ago.


 Jeff Abrahamson  <>
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