Jason Costomiris on 17 Jun 2004 11:55:03 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] non-standard 11g

On Jun 17, 2004, at 2:57 AM, Paul wrote:

Does anyone have an opinion on non-standard 802.11g, 54Mbit wireless equipment? For example, Linksys' "SpeedBooster" products or D-Link's 108Mbit "ExtremeG" products.

The Linksys stuff does it by waiting to transmit packets. In other words, buffer the smaller packets to be sent over the air and instead send bigger chunks of data. The result is a very slight increase in latency (due to the bufferring), but a 30 - 50% increase in available bandwidth. Not bad.

The Netgear stuff however, is bad news. They are doing it by using 2 adjacent wireless channels. As if that frequency spectrum wasn't already crowded enough! Now they're using double the spectrum for each device. Definitely works better than the Linksys stuff, and if you're totally isolated, as in 300 meters or more away from your neighbors, then go for it. Otherwise, you're just being a bad neighbor.


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