Paul on 18 Jun 2004 08:02:02 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] non-standard 11g

Jason Costomiris wrote:

And in reality, it's probably not even that much. The so-called 54 Mbps you get on a G network is probably more like 20 Mbps, much like you get 3-4 on an 11 Mbps B network.

Do some throughput testing sometime, you'll see what I mean... I just ran nttcp on my server as "nttcp -i -r", and on the client as "nttcp 10.x.x.x".

As you suggested, I ran some tests with nttcp. (Thanks a lot for mentioning nttcp.)

(Wired: 85Mbit/s)
11b: 5Mbit/s
11b using OpenVPN with compression: 8.5Mbit/s
11b using OpenVPN without  compression: 3.5Mbit/s

BTW, under WinXP the VPN adapter claims that its connect speed is 10Mbit though a 11Mbit wireless network. (I didn't check it under Linux.) I wonder if the maximum speed would actually be limited to 10Mbit, even through a 54Mbit (20Mbit) network.

Anyway, it's good to know that, even through an OpenVPN tunnel, my 11b network hasn't become a bottle neck to the Internet...yet.
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