Jeff Abrahamson on 25 Jul 2004 03:20:03 -0000

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[PLUG] compact flash file system type weirdness

I used to have this entry in /etc/fstab:

  /dev/sda1    /cflash     vfat    defaults,user,noauto    0 0

It worked great with the cards that my Canon Powershot S230 writes.

A friend dropped by with his Powershot S400, and mounting the cflash
card hung, the filesystem wasn't readable or was partially readable,
much weirdness.  Poking about on the web, I found that changing vfat
to auto solved the problem:

  /dev/sda1    /cflash     auto    defaults,user,noauto    0 0

df -T now reports that the filesystem mounted is vfat, though:

/dev/sda1     vfat      251368     10528    240840   5% /cflash

Any idea what's going on?


 Jeff Abrahamson  <>    215/837-2287
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