Stephen Gran on 3 Aug 2004 18:41:02 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] PDF weirdness

On Tue, Aug 03, 2004 at 11:31:10AM -0400, Jeff Abrahamson said:
> Given a file /tmp/foo.pdf, I find, having cd'd into /tmp, that
>     $ gv foo.pdf            # works fine
>     $ gv /tmp/foo.pdf       # fails, postscript interpretation error
> I'm using gv 3.5.8 (debian), debian sarge.
> Diffing the files, the difference is one line for a file called stspchap.pdf:
>   jeff@asterix:tmp $ diff gv_410fad36_1_stspchap.pdf.tmp gv_410fad1f_1_stspchap.pdf.tmp
>   16c16
>   < (stspchap.pdf) (r) file { DELAYSAFER { .setsafe } if } stopped pop
>   ---
>   > (/tmp/stspchap.pdf) (r) file { DELAYSAFER { .setsafe } if } stopped pop
>   jeff@asterix:tmp $ 
> Any ideas what's going on?
> This comes up when viewing pdf's via mozilla or mutt.  (Clearly a
> wrapper script could get around this, of course.)

I don't know gv or even postscript particularly well, but I do remember
seeing discussion about SAFER mode in postscript apps in the Debian BTS
recently, let me see . . . might be of some
relevance.  Since I am not particularly familiar with the issues, I may
have guessed wrong :)

|  Stephen Gran                  | Every young man should have a hobby:    |
|             | learning how to handle money is the     |
| | best one.   -- Jack Hurley              |

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