Art Alexion on 5 Aug 2004 21:39:02 -0000

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[PLUG] [Fwd: Geek organizers: new job posting]

Here is one of those listings I mentioned. Sorry for the delay this time, but a wiring problem I can't find has rendered my internet connection (and the ability to make voice calls sporadic) while I wait for a line tech. I'll forward more as I get them.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Geek organizers: new job posting
Date: 	Fri, 30 Jul 2004 09:07:42 -0700
From: 	Wes Boyd, <>
To: 	Arthur Alexion <>

Thanks for participating in our Geek Organizer Job Fair.

Media Matters for America, the progressive media monitoring organization in Washington, DC, is looking for a Director of Technology. We thought it might be of interest.

Best of luck!

- Wes Boyd, Joan Blades, and Jack Eastman Geek Organizers
 Friday, July 30th, 2004


 -- Director of Technology - Media Matters for America --

Media Matters for America, an independent, non-profit media monitor,
seeks an experienced technologist to manage the organization's
internet publishing, online community and media database operations.

The ideal candidate for this job has designed and maintained web and
database systems for non-profit organizations or political campaigns,
managed diverse teams working on complex technology projects, has a
track record of figuring out how to use the internet to communicate
effectively and mobilize community activity, and is passionate about
media and political issues.

Computer programming skill is plus, as is experience working with
Linux, Perl and Open Source Software, but neither is required. This is
a full-time, salaried position in Washington, DC.

Please send resumes in plain text or pdf format to:

 Kwindla Hultman Kramer



Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC
arthur [at] alexion [dot] com
aim: aalexion
sms: 2679725536 [at] messaging [dot] sprintpcs [dot] com

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