Jeff Abrahamson on 20 Aug 2004 14:35:04 -0000 |
I received the below books from Pearson Education, which distributes them to user groups in the hopes that readers will write honest (which, they hope, means positive) reviews of them and post those reviews online. You're under no obligation to write a review if you take one, but it's good karma to do so if you do take one of the books. Here's what arrived yesterday: McKusick & Neville-Neil, Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD OS, v5.2 Sobell, Practical Guide to Red Hat Linux, 2nd Edition (Fedora Core and RH Enterprise Edition) Rosen, Open Source Licensing: Software Freedom and Intellectual Property Law Golden, Succeeding with Open Source Howlett, Open Source Security Tools: Practical Guide to Security Applications I also still have these two: Kumar, J2EE Security for Servlets, EJBs, and Web Services Linthicum, Next Generation Ajpplication Integeration: from simple information to web services -- Jeff Jeff Abrahamson <> GPG fingerprint: 1A1A BA95 D082 A558 A276 63C6 16BF 8C4C 0D1D AE4B cell: +1 215.837.2287 Attachment: