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Re: [PLUG] Backing up a HD using dd
cms wrote:
Hello all,
Back to the technical help stuff...
I have a--very nice--Toshiba laptop that I dual-boot WinXP and SuSE 9.1. I'm
trying to backup the Linux partitions (five of them) from the machine's HD to
an external firewire HD using dd so I can reinstall WinXP. Like many people, I
still have occasion to use WinXP for work and school <sigh> and I only have
the install CDs provided by Toshiba; in other words, I do not have an actual
WinXP CD. This process would be very easy if I were able to use Knoppix with
this machine, however, Knoppix will not run well enough to copy the five
partitions. Knoppix boots well enough but doesn't handle acpi/apm correctly so
the machine heats up during the copy process and eventually just crashes. I
have some other bootable CDs that I could use but I'm stuck on mount issues.
For example, I tried the F.I.R.E. CD (http://fire.dmzs.com/) and although its
dated, the CD booted nicely and ran well without acpi/apm issues. Trouble is,
it does not use ramdisk like Knoppix does so I'm not able to mount an external
device to copy my data to, an external device such as a firewire HD.
Is there another way to copy the data--as in dd--from the five partitions? I
wanted to use dd to copy the partitions to external media. Is there another
way to mount external media using a bootable CD so I can copy data to it?
Any suggestions?
I think that you want to do a raw copy of a partition like
dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/mountpoint/hda1.bin bs=1M
You can use tar to do your backups which I do to cd-r cd's. For
sesitive data like /home and /var I encrypt the data using gpg.
Attached is my personal backup script. One thing to note, for ~/.gnupg
I maintain a floppy backup with an encrypted file system with revocation
certificuts and etc. You need the ~/.gnupg/secring.gpg along with all
of the other files on this floppy. Creating an encrypted filesystem on
a floppy is not too hard.
# You need a kernel with loopcrypt and the crypto stuff in it like 2.6.*
shread /dev/fd0
# Choice of encryption is up to you, I happen to like twofish which is
# totally open. You can use aes if you want to.
losetup -e twofish /dev/loop[0-7] /dev/fd0
# Use a nice long passphrase >= 20 characters when prompted
# Use the same loopp device as you used with losetup
mke2fs -c -m 1 -i 1024 -b 1024 -j -v /dev/loop[0-7]
mount /dev/loop[0-7] /floppy
For more info on encrypted file systems see
To unmount the encrypted file system:
umount /floppy
losetup -d /dev/loop[0-7]
As always, I value this list tremendously, despite some of the arguments:/
TIA for all suggestions.
Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- http://www.phillylinux.org
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Rev. LeRoy D. Cressy mailto:leroy@lrcressy.com /\_/\
http://lrcressy.com ( o.o )
Phone: 215-535-4037 > ^ <
FAX: 215-535-4285
gpg fingerprint: 62DE 6CAB CEE1 B1B3 359A 81D8 3FEF E6DA 8501 AFEA
For info on enigmail: http://lrcressy.com/linux/mozilla.pdf
For info on gpg: http://www.gnupg.org/
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)
Description: Bourne shell script
Description: OpenPGP digital signature