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RE: [PLUG] More critique of Linux desktop
Title: RE: [PLUG] More critique of Linux desktop
>-----Original Message-----
>From: plug-admin@lists.phillylinux.org
>Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 1:18 PM
>Subject: RE: [PLUG] More critique of Linux desktop
>On Mon, 2004-09-13 at 02:43, Howard Bloom wrote:
>> So instead of ACT/Outlook I get Mozilla/Nothing.
>Hrmm. Interesting. IIRC, Act! does contact managment and also
>has some tickler functions. Ya know, this might be an
>interesting lil project to try to do in PHP (basically, cause
>that's all I know).
>Howard, am I right as to what ACT!'s basic functions are? I've
>never really used it, as I prefer a more traditional way of
>doing things, Yellow Postit notes all over my monitor :)
What I would love to see, is a perl module that will allow reading
parsing ACT! native files. Our company uses them for contact maintenance,
as well as other fun methods like Outlook contacts, and Word Tables..
(Oh stop laughing!).
So, instead I have to convert the ACT! .dbf files to a .csv file, then
use my utilities to work with the .csv file. Sure would be great if I
could eliminate that step, then I could write assign an email address
that would autoforward the attached ACT! file for automated parsing.
Has anyone here had any luck reading the ACT! .dbf files?