Art Alexion on 11 Nov 2004 18:12:02 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] Extended characters over Samba wrote:

"Art Alexion" <> wrote on 11/11/2004 09:28:41 AM:

   >Art Alexion wrote:
   >> I use é a lot in my file and directory.  Each of the
   Win98/fat32 and
   >> Linux/ext3 machines doesn't have a problem with files and
   >> created by the local machine with these letters, but when
   >accessing a
   >> share that contains a file or directory with that name, both
   >> substituting a box or a ? for the accented character.
   >> Is there a solution that aids compatibility?

Sounds like I'm stuck with your solution #1 -- don't use the offending
characters in file/directory names. I can probably live with that as I
have tried to make sure that no files/directories have embedded spaces

Have you tried investigating different mount options? Read 'man smbmount', and take a look at the 'iocharset' and 'codepage' options. I'd hope that you'd be able to use some combination of these to set up an appropriate translation between the server and the client, though I haven't experimented with this, but it might look something like

mount -t smbfs -o iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=cp437 //srv/shr /mnt/pnt

Thanks, Paul. I didn't know the character set option existed. I am going to try.


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC
arthur [at] alexion [dot] com
aim: aalexion
sms: 2679725536 [at] messaging [dot] sprintpcs [dot] com

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