Brett Harris on 14 Jan 2005 19:37:55 -0000

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RE: [PLUG] Looking for a good open source CRM

I decided to setup Best Practical's RT first but am running into some

I'm installing on Fedora Core 2 and using this doc:

I keep getting an error at step 14:
root@btest:~/rt-3.2.2:782>make initialize-database
/usr/bin/perl //usr/local/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database --action init --dba
root --prompt-for-dba-password
In order to create a new database and grant RT access to that database,
this script needs to connect to your mysql instance on localhost as root.
Please specify that user's database password below. If the user has no
password, just press return.

Password: DBI connect(';host=localhost','root',...) failed: Client does
not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider
upgrading MySQL client at //usr/local/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database line 101
Failed to connect to dbi:mysql:;host=localhost as root: Client does not
support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading
MySQL client at //usr/local/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database line 101, <STDIN>
line 1.
make: *** [initialize-database] Error 255

I'm running the latest versions of MySQL:
root@btest:~/rt-3.2.2:785>rpm -q MySQL-client
root@btest:~/rt-3.2.2:786>rpm -q MySQL-server
root@btest:~/rt-3.2.2:787>rpm -q MySQL-shared-compat

And I dont have any problems accessing mysql:
root@btest:~/rt-3.2.2:792>mysql -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 12 to server version: 4.1.8-standard

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


Any ideas?


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