Edward Pike on 19 Jan 2005 17:27:04 -0000 |
hi my suggestiongs for extra small drives - how about a partition for squid (web proxy), something like /webcache - /tmp partition - swap partition -- good idea - how about a /log partition for misc logging stuff (apache, squid, mail logs), a fixed size (say 500 megs) then logrotated properly - how about a parition for your hosted websites, like /www - a samba share on a partition, handy for sharing files for primary drive - i usually put /boot /usr /var /tmp /home on their own partitions (but then i'm still using redhat 7.2, dont know if a lot have changed). Some partitions that dont change a lot can be mounted read only like /boot (though i dont do that). partitions that change a lot are good candidates for putting on other drives /var, /tmp, /home. epike On Wed, 2005-01-19 at 09:09, Ron Mansolino wrote: > I have a handful of small drives (1-4 g) that I'm going to do ... > something with. (probably a dialup firewall/browser/mp3 thing so I > can ditch zonealarm) > > assuming I can put 3 on the ide ports (w/cdrom) what is a sensible > installation/partitioning strategy? (and what needs to be on the root > partition/drive?) I can throw something larger in there if I have to. > (I found out the hard way with FreeBSD that /usr needs a ton of space > for packages). and I'm sort leaning on having /home on it's own so I > can easily swap it into something else (can i format/mount that as UFS?) > and what about having swap space on it's own partition? > > Where/what has the potential for the most "growth"? > > thanks, ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- http://www.phillylinux.org Announcements - http://lists.phillylinux.org/mailman/listinfo/plug-announce General Discussion -- http://lists.phillylinux.org/mailman/listinfo/plug