Dan Widyono on 14 Feb 2005 03:50:43 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] kernel 2.6 and cdrecord

Jeff, don't know if this will apply to you.  I run 2.4 only still, and never
had ATAPI work, even with the new cdrecord which tried ATAPI by default.  I
switched back to ye olde standby (kernel param hdc=ide-scsi) and it works
like a charm still.  Have you tried going back to that yet (I assume you were
using that with 2.4, if not have you tried it at all yet)?

I then use I believe 0,1,0 for the device, or whatever scanbus shows.

Dan W.
-- Daniel Widyono             --
-- www.widyono.net            --
-- www.cis.upenn.edu/~widyono --
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