Art Clemons on 21 Jul 2005 23:18:09 -0000 |
> Or, instead of #2, changing the default SSID, disable the SSID broadcast completely. That way, unless someone is running a sniffer, they won't know the router is there. Not having the SSID broadcast offers minimal privacy. There are numerous tools to detect 2.4GHz activity including sniffers which you mention, but almost anyone equipped with for example wepcrack doesn't need your ssid to make use of your system. The only sure protection is NO wireless at all, next best is WPA2 with strong keys, next is WPA and finally WEP if no better scheme is available but WEP is easily cracked given time. May I also suggest that anyone with a lan card can monitor for activity whether or not SSID is used and for a linux user, it's trivial indeed to just run it in a terminal window for example use VI to write a novel while waiting. ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --