gyoza on 7 Oct 2005 01:16:13 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] New Laptop Recommendations

Joseph Sands wrote:

>I'm looking to purchase a new laptop, I'm open to the price but my main
>concern is that it have 802.11G, CD-RW/DVD-ROM, and be compatible with both
>Linux and Windows. I would like something smallish; battery life is no
>concern, as I can always plug it in wherever I am.  I had bad luck with
>wireless laptops in Linux. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
As for wireless, don't depend of built-in devices unless you can be sure
of the chip that's in it.  Just get a compatible card.

I doubt that CD drives will be a problem.

If power management isn't an issue, then there shouldn't be many
issues.  The worst problem that I can think of is a video driver issue.

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