Jeff Abrahamson on 28 Oct 2005 02:29:54 -0000

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[PLUG] verizon DSL (ISP) and DNS -- simple

Simple question for a Verizon ISP customer:

I'm helping a friend re-set up his machine using Verizon DSL with
Verizon as ISP.  I had him set his machine (a Mac) to do DHCP over
ethernet and sure enough he got an IP, netmask, etc.  He appears not
to have working DNS.

Can someone email me the DNS info you use for Verizon?  I'm hoping if
we give him that info that he'll be ok.

(I was helping him by phone without my computer, so I could be wrong.
I'll find out more tomorrow when I try to help him with my computer at
hand.  But I want to be prepared for the obvious.)

Thanks much.


 Jeff Abrahamson  <>    +1 215/837-2287
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