Dan Crosta on 1 May 2006 00:46:39 -0000

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[PLUG] how to get sudo to preserve LD_PRELOAD

[apologies to anyone getting this twice...]

I'm having some trouble keeping LD_PRELOAD in the environment that
programs run via sudo. here's what I have in my sudoers file:

Defaults        !env_reset, !lecture, tty_tickets, !fqdn, insults,
Defaults        env_keep += HOME, env_keep += EDITOR, env_keep += VISUAL
Defaults        env_keep += LD_PRELOAD
Defaults        env_delete -= LD_*, env_delete -= LD_PRELOAD, !noexec

root    ALL=(ALL) ALL

%admin  ALL=(ALL) ALL

and here's how I've been testing:

me@mybox:~$ sudo env |grep LD_

I don't claim to understand entirely how the sudo code works wrt
environment manipulation, and my hypothesis is that it's smarter than
I am. I can't find any explicit case where it's removing LD_PRELOAD,
though, and given that I can't find that, it seems like the above
ought to keep LD_PRELOAD in the environment... does the order matter
somehow? It looked like the code in sodu's env.c reads in the entire sudoers file and then processess all its environment machinations with the full set of what's changed through Defaults. does anyone have any suggestions?

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