Aaron Mulder on 11 May 2006 20:19:46 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] NJ Statewide GPG Keysigning Party 14 June 2006

I guess this gives me the perfect opportunity to ask...

I had a GPG key that I set to expire in 1 year.  It's expired.

What's the recommended way to extend it?  My memory is a little hazy
because I dealt with this a while ago, but I think I tried editing the
key to change its expiration and also creating a new subkey, and in
both cases it worked locally, but when I sync'd with pgp.mit.edu and
then updated from another machine, the changes didn't propogate -- it
still saw the old values and treated it as expired.  (And if I
replaced the encryption key with a new one, I couldn't open my old
messages any more.)

It would be great if there was a way to extend the key in such a way
that it preserved the signatures and also let me keep reading messages
encrypted to be before the expiration.  I'd rather not just generate a
whole new key from scratch.

Also, I'd like to add a separate "identity" or whatever with my work
e-mail (rather than having completely separate keys for home and work
as before).  Any ideas on that one?  I'd also need it to sync up to
the keyserver.


On 5/11/06, David A. Harding <harda@gnuisance.net> wrote:
Greetings PLUG'ers,

After next month's LUG/IP meeting, I will be hosting a NJ statewide GNU
Privacy Guard (GPG) keysigning party sponsored by 3 NJ LUGs. All PLUG
members (and the general public) are invited. I'm keen on creating as
many links between our new keyring and PLUG's established keyring.

        Date: 14 June 2006
        Time: After the 19:00 meeting
        Location: Lawrencville Library, Lawrencville, NJ (near Trenton)
        Main Meeting Topic: Xen Virtualisation by Jason Ganovsky, a
                            Linux Systems Engineer at Novell
        Directions: (from USP) http://tinyurl.com/fd4z8 [Google Maps]

If you're new to GPG, I especially encourage you to participate: there
is only one better way to learn something than to use it. The area LUG
community is a safe environment to use GPG in: if you make a mistake,
most or all of the community will tell you about your mistake rather
than take advantage of you.

Participants should read the event flyer:


*** Participants must email me their public keys by 9 June 2006 ***

If you have any questions about GPG or the keysigning party, post them
to the mailing list or email them to me.

|    David A. Harding    |      Its name is Public Opinion. It is held in     |
|  http://gnuisance.net  |   reverence. It settles everything. Some think it  |
|                        |         is the voice of God.  -- Mark Twain        |

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)


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