Andrew Libby on 15 Jun 2006 15:23:21 -0000 |
At the last PLUG meeting we discussed having a meeting a little more focused on development topics. One of the topic ideas that came up is MVC (model view controller) architecture. Ruby on Rails and Catalyst (a Perl MVC framework, which is pretty cool IMO) were mentioned. Do group members have any feelings on the worth of pursuing this topic? I'd be interested/ willing to take a crack at a presentation if there's interest. Andy begin:vcard fn:Andrew Libby n:Libby;Andrew org:Tangeis, LLC email; tel;work:610.761.1991 tel;cell:610.761.1991 x-mozilla-html:FALSE url: version:2.1 end:vcard ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --